

tanz.nord aims to sustainably promote dance in northern Germany. The initiative focuses on supporting artists from Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein to strengthen their collaboration and foster closer connections within the dance scenes of both federal states. The project team organizes guest performances, produces new dance works, and offers residency programs that provide artists with the space and freedom for creative work. At the same time, tanz.nord seeks to explore new and unconventional performance venues to make dance more accessible to a wider audience, particularly in rural areas. These formats create fresh perspectives and new spaces for encounters for both artists and audiences alike.

A key focus of the project lies in dance education. Through workshops and classroom performances, tanz.nord brings dance directly into schools, fostering exchanges with artists and educators. These interactions spark interest in dance among children and young people and contribute to a deeper understanding of this art form. The long-term goal is to cultivate a diverse and growing audience for dance.

tanz.nord is supported by four partners from Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein: the Dachverband freie Darstellende Künste Hamburg (DfdK) with the Tanz und Performance Netzwerk Schleswig-Holstein (TuP.SH), K3 – Center for Choreography | Tanzplan Hamburg, and the Kultur- und Bildungszentrum Bad Oldesloe (KuB).


With showcase.nord, a year-long creative space was established for dance artists from Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein to collaborate on research and production. The aim was to strengthen artistic collaboration across the borders of the two federal states, further develop the dance scene in Schleswig-Holstein, and open up new venues for dance. Through new productions, the unique rehearsal space initiative showcase.residency, and digital networking meetings, showcase.nord advanced the structural development for dance in both states initiated by tanz.nord.

The showcase.nord project was successfully completed in the summer of 2023.

Tanz weit draußen

Since 2022, tanz.nord has been networking nationwide as a partner of the alliance »tanz weit draußen« (TWD). The goal is to empower dance artists in rural areas, support the development of their work, and enhance its visibility. Additionally, the network serves as a platform for sharing experiences and collaboratively developing new ideas and formats.

The alliance was founded in 2022 by five partners: Aktion Tanz e.V. from Berlin, Tanzregion Mecklenburg-Vorpommern e.V., TanzSzene Baden-Württemberg e.V., tanz.nord for Schleswig-Holstein and Hamburg, and fabrik Potsdam e.V. from Brandenburg. In total, the network represents six federal states. In 2024, other key players joined the alliance: Ponderosa e.V. from Stolzenhagen (Brandenburg), Szene 2wei from Lahr, and the Tanz- und Theaterwerkstatt from Ludwigsburg (both from Baden-Württemberg).

You can find further information about TWD on their website

Project team

The tanz.nord project team consists of Kirsten Burow (Project Lead & Finances) and Joshua Lerp-Petersen (Project Coordination & Communications).

If you have any questions, you can reach us at:


Every year we publish a trailer and a brochure with insights into the project work of tanz.nord. Our project movie offers video sequences of the dance performances as well as interviews with project participants.





Press section

Welcome to the Press section! Here you will find all relevant press materials available for download. We are excited to collaborate with you and are available for further information. Please feel free to reach out to us:

+++ When reporting on tanz.nord, please always mention tanz.nord as the network itself. +++


Ein bewegtes Jahr voller Tanz: Dank und Ausblick auf 2025
Dezember 2024
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Rückblick auf das tanz.nord Symposium: »Tanz schafft Räume« am 10.10.2024
Oktober 2024
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Tanz schafft Räume – tanz.nord Symposium zu nachhaltigen Partnerschaften und Strukturen
August 2024
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Eidelstedt: »Multilingualismus – Wo sich unsere Welten berühren«
Juni 2024
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tanz.nord Neuproduktion »in hell, I’ll be in good company«
Juni 2024
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Hip-Hop-Tanzworkshop an der Friedrich-Junge-Schule in Großhansdorf
Juni 2024
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Ausschreibung für tanz.nord Residenz 2024
April 2024
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