
Since 2021, tanz.nord has been establishing a structure for the collaboration of dance professionals from Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein. tanz.nord promotes regional exchange, strengthens the independent dance scenes in the North, and explores new performance venues outside urban centers.

In addition to guest performances, tanz.nord lab creates a space for work and networking opportunities, complementing the networking efforts initiated in 2021. Through school partnerships and an accompanying outreach program, tanz.nord advocates for long-term audience development beyond urban areas.

tanz.nord is supported by four project partners from Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein: Dachverband freie darstellende Künste (DfdK), K3 Zentrum für Choreographie, Tanzplan Hamburg, das Kultur- und Bildungszentrum Bad Oldesloe (KuB) und das Tanz und Performance Netzwerk Schleswig-Holstein (TuP.SH)


In cooperation with tanz.nord, showcase.nord aims to further strengthen artistic cooperation between the two federal German states of Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein, to further develop the dance scene in Schleswig-Holstein and to open up new venues for dance.

showcase.nord creates space for dance makers from Hamburg and Schleswig-Holstein to research and produce together for one year. The aim is to strengthen artistic cooperation across the borders of both federal states, to further develop the dance scene in Schleswig-Holstein and to make new places accessible for dance. By encouraging new productions, uniquely providing rehearsal space via showcase.residency and organizing digital networking meetings, showcase.nord strengthens the structural development of dance in both federal states as started by tanz.nord.

Tanz weit draußen

tanz.nord is a partner in the network „tanz weit draußen“ – a nationwide network for the development of contemporary dance in rural areas. Its goal is to connect, strengthen, professionalize, and showcase regional dance scenes and their practitioners. The network, consisting of 9 alliance partners in 6 federal states, continuously offers networking, encounter, touring, qualification, and residency formats beyond urban centers, bringing contemporary dance to people throughout the country.

You can find further information about TWD on the website.

Project team

The tanz.nord project team consists of Fanny Roy (Financial Coordination), Kirsten Burow, Joshua Lerp-Petersen (Project Coordination), and Paula Gottschalk (Communication and Public Relations).

If you have any questions, you can reach us at:


Every year we publish a trailer and a brochure with insights into the project work of tanz.nord. Our project movie offers video sequences of the dance performances as well as interviews with project participants.




Press section

Welcome to the Press section! Here you will find all relevant press materials available for download. We are excited to collaborate with you and are available for further information. Please feel free to reach out to us:

+++ When reporting on tanz.nord, please always mention tanz.nord as the network itself. +++


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Kultur- und Bildungszentrum, Beer-Yaacov-Weg 1, 23843 Bad Oldesloe
Kultur- und Bildungszentrum, Beer-Yaacov-Weg 1, 23843 Bad Oldesloe
Tanzstudio Winter | Kirchweg 97, 24558 Henstedt-Ulzburg